
Breaking away

It’s been a couple of very hectic weeks. Tim back at school, homework back on the table, swimming lessons times 3, piles of admin to sort through and a pantry that needed a serious restock after the 7 weeks of school holidays (no, I’m not willingly taking 3.5 kids with to the shopping centre, bad enough by myself). Birthday parties to organise (only one more week and Tim will be six!), washing to wrestle with, a house to keep sort of tidy and a garden to keep alive in this hot and dry weather.

Alex is of and running, teething, still not yet sleeping through but overall a very happy little boy. Sophie is back at preschool once a week and has started the school introduction program a morning a week, little girl will start school next year! The youngest member has been checked out during the 20 week ultrasound, a healthy and very active boy in the making. We’ve started sorting out the kids rooms, making a wardrobe and space for an extra bed.

After more then 4 years with just one car (and a lot of juggling), we’ve not only gone to a second car but also upgraded our current one. With bub #4 on the way we needed to find a car that would take a fourth child seat.  After countless paperwork and registration papers. I’ve become on of “those” mums…
Amongst it we’ve become aunt & uncle from a beautiful little boy, Jip. Better get that quilt finished, scraps of fabric won’t keep him warm…
Hubby is having his fair share of on calls for work. The good thing though is that after a gruelling weekend of phone calls and clinic duty, he gets the following Friday of. Those long weekends are perfect for breaking away to recharge the batteries, spending some quiet time at the beach, away from phone reception and endless task lists. Camping ground here we come (again!). Just looking at the pictures already calms the heart.  ;-)
Next month we’re back to normally hectic instead of crazy hectic. I might even start blogging and baking a bit more regularly again, do a garden revival, play my flute,…

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