
The Pool, finished!

With the pool now full (the rainwater tank empty) and the filter up and running, we’ve got Stage 1 accomplished!
If you wondered why those poles haven’t been trimmed back and why we used a ridiculous amount of concrete.  Stage 2 will be a deck around the pool with a balustrade running between those poles. The pool fence will no longer be visual. We’re hoping to start Stage 2 in Winter 2016.

We’ve chosen for a neutral (coral sand) liner, an unconventional choice. We’ve decided that the traditional “resort blue” would look out of sorts in our natural setting. This lighter colour enables the water to take on the colour of its surroundings. With the choice for a saltwater pool, we make don’t have to use chemicals to keep the water in good quality, just bags of sea salt, lots of them.
That means until we’ve finalised the design for that deck and saved up money and energy, the finishing is a bit rough. A bag of mulch to vault the wall does the trick... The barbed wire is doing the trick in keeping the climbers safe, the trellis zip-tied against the door isn’t for decorative purposes either...
The mower is now sharing the floor with the pump/filter/chlorinator in our generous mower shed.
Now we know all the connections hold, we can start closing the trench.
The view from our deck.
Part of Stage 2 will be taking out the pool side balustrade. It will need two steps down to pool level, those steps will also hold the pool cover. With plenty of space for a new pool gate.


  1. Well done Sander!!
    Yes I have found the pool fence alone just doesn't keep those climbers out

  2. Really a great addition. I have read this marvelous post. Thanks for sharing information about it. I really like that. Thanks so lot for your convene. pool pump box


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