Jan & Evelien left again and at once it’s December, boy did that sneak up on me this year!
And now I’m in the middle of the crazy season, feeling completely out of sorts, time for a plan.
Christmas in Australia, although having lived here for 5 years, we’re still quite new to it all. So far we have mostly ignored it, other then some small parties with friends. Xmas in the Summer, it’s just so unreal!
Last year we introduced Tim to Santa and had some presents, a bit improvised (sticker on the window XMas tree) because of our traveling existence. But Tim has kept talking about it all year. Now we have our own home and have to find a middle ground between the European and Australian XMas and set traditions for our family.
We’re trying to live a simple, green and frugal life (more info? check: here or here), difficult. No way, it makes it just so much more fun!
We wanted a XMas tree, Sander opted for a plastic one, much sputtering from my side and then I saw the price tag $295 excl decorations, that was at the “cheap” chain store in the shopping centre. No way! Next stop: the nursery. I ended up buying an Australian pine tree for $14,50! Native to the East coast, so should thrive here. We’ll keep it in a pot for now put will plant it out after New Year. The plan is to plant it close to the deck so we can decorate it for years to come, outside where we’ll be. It will grow together with our family. Okay, maybe it doesn’t look as full and lush, yet.
Next step: decorations, shops sell so much of the same, hmmm. We still had some little bits and pieces gathered over the last years. I went on the internet and looked for ideas. I got inspired by this one: baubles. I made two strings, both with leftover scraps from my quilting projects for the kids. Very personal.
Another idea, formed after this one: bunting, have this one on my to-do-list. But figured I could do the same with stars, individually. First try:

I’m a little late for the traditional christmas cake (it has to ripe for a couple of months), this is more fun anyway:
More crafty ideas are always welcome!
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