The whale season is coming to a end. It's was beautiful to see those creatures so close.
To bad that the only time I had my camera with me, Tim was bouncing with joy in the sling, hard to get a sharp picture then... You can see two fins about 30m from the beach.

Next weekend we fly to Adelaide to meet up with Jan & Evelien before they fly back home. The plan is to go rock climbing for a couple of days after we drop them at the airport. Sander is much better then me, so he'll have an extra handicap...

Tim is starting to explore more and more. He can open drawers and loves emptying cupboards. We bought him his own chair so he can sit and eat with us on the same table. He is a good eater, he eats what we eat, with help of the stick blender and a smaller serve of chillies. The only thing is his table manners...
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