
3 to 4 months

It has been a while, so lets start at the beginning. Timmies first big trip: The Netherlands. 35 hours of travelling, 2 minutes of crying. A good start! Our first weekend we go camping with our both families. Beautiful weather, excellent BBQ and we even manage to get a nice tan!

Below: Tim with Oma VanderVlist, Opa VanderVlist , Oma Scheenaard, Opa Scheenaard, Great Grandmother Scheenaard and Great Grandfather Fischer who turned a 100 on the first of June.

The Saturday was really nice to catch up with all of you! We had a wonderful holiday@
We started Tim on solids. Three and a half months might be early, but we decided that he was ready. (See picture below, first try). So far we had pear, pumkin, zuchinni and melon. You realy have to watch him, because before you know he snatches the food from your plate. So we give him big chunks of apple, melon and tomato to suck on. We buy most of our food locally and organic so I don't have to worry to much about pesticides and such.

And another month flew by. Four months and with that comes vaccinations. Biggest worry was mine this time. Tim is skyrocketing in height and happily bounces out of the grow charts... 67cm and 7.25kg (5cm and another kg in a month).

Well the kid is happy. His new toy, the Jolly Jumper. Good entertainment for 5min a day.


  1. AnonymousJuly 03, 2008

    hee marijke en sander

    wat is dat jochie van jullie toch een bijdehand ventje! Volgens mij doet hij al veel meer (motorisch gezien) dan je zou verwachten van een baby van 4 maanden! Knap hoor, en hij groeit echt hard!

  2. Kijk, zo mag ik dat zien! Dat wordt een echte reusachtige Nederlander! En al net zo energiek als paps en mams!

    Voor je 't weet drinkt ie z'n eerste espresso :D


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