
This week: Autumn

Autumn, a thicker doona on the bed, longer nights, a fresh wind blowing, woodpiles stacked, veggie garden planted, quilts designs on the drawing board and jumpers back in the closet.
With the cooler temperatures insect activity has decreased big time. We’re ditching the insect rug, hello pretty horse! Laura is free to go out into the forrest again. I worry she gets snagged on branches with a rug on. 
And another couple of boxes for the markets... This week was lots of baking in preparation for the school holidays peak at the farmers markets.
A quarter stocktake (bleh) and stocking up on ingredients for the upcoming markets.
Simone is trialling out some additional markets, taking my granola along. She’s keeps me nice and busy!
The fields are dry (enough) again, soccer is back on the menu. 
Tim & Alex are both playing this year, Sophie gave it a try but decided it wasn’t for her. 
Today was first game of the season. With the grass so green, the sky so blue, the sunbeams playing and the clouds hypnotising. It’s not a bad place to be on a Saturday morning...
 Cabbage and broccoli has started forming, fascinating to observe.
The extend of the erosion on the second spillway, not ideal, but not as dramatic as anticipated, this is fixable.
 Orange belt in Aikido for Tim.
 Flowering native, do you see the ants?
Our new niece, Lotte, arrived quick and safe.
Her quilt is on it’s way to Belgium.
The last school week before the autumn holidays, the kids all had a bad case of end-of-terminitus, like walking through molasses getting everyone ready for school in the morning.
A book fair parade and lots of easter craft got everyone through the week.
All are looking forward to having a couple of weeks off.

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