
Happy Summer/Winter Solstice!

Today we celebrate the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year.

A gorgeous day with 34 degrees, blue skies, emerald green grass and summer holidays. With a 5:15am start this morning, I’m making the most of it. A walk with the dog through cool, dewy grass while the sun starts its climb. The cooler morning is perfect for mulching and weeding the garden. With some lastminute planting and feeding after dinner, creating a healthy start before the predicted rain.

The kids are playing outside, running under the sprinkler (counts as a shower in our house), a siesta under the fan, playing guitar in the shade, “helping” me plant and playing pirates in the treehouse.

Sander is racing against the clock to finish the pool fence. The liner is in, and if we can trust the weather predictions, we might have a halfway filled pool by the end of the week...
Test run, we might have to add some barbed wire to our design...

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