
Just the two of us...

With the kids (being spoiled) in good hands amongst grandparents, we decided to escape for a couple of days.
Just the two of us, no kids! Two nights in nearby, gorgeous Bellingen. It was amazing and unreal!
Drinking a cuppa in a trendy coffee shop while reading a whole magazine, then going (window)shopping without chasing kids out of clothing racks? Check! 
Going for a romantic dinner. Check! Although a couple next to us mentioned we looked a little lost, upon us explaining that this was the first night away from our kids in nearly 8 years, they had cocktails delivered to our table upon leaving. Which made me remember, I get all giggly when I’m tipsy... 
Going for a massage. Check! 
Sleeping in, laying in bed until 8 o’clock. Check!
Going for a paddle on the Bellinger River. Check!

When Sander and I just got together all those (12!) years ago, we decided to go camping in Southern France. Three weeks together in a tent with some scrambled together bunch of camping stuff, seemed like the ultimate relationship test. Driving the inner ring of Paris in rush hour, we survived that. A whole day in a shared canoe, paddling through the white water rapids of the Ardeche River. We survived that too. We’ve been solid ever since. And after twelve years, we’re stronger then ever. My hubby, father of ours kids, best friend and partner still makes me feel like a woman, treasured and loved.This morning we both woke up with a headache, (there was no drinking yesterday night), too much sleep! Time to go home, cuddle our little monsters, we missed them.I’m not sure who missed us more, the kids, or maybe the grandparents...


  1. It sounds like you made the most of your time away, something you will treasure for a while. What a treat to have parents/grandparents who were able to step in and free you to go away.


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