
11 months and 18 weeks

With the eldest two back at (pre)school it’s quiet again at home. I’m going through heaps of jobs making the house resemble something liveable again.
I look at the garden with a wince. Better get myself organised and start sowing or we’ll be eating only pumpkin this Winter…
Alex, 11 months. A very cheeky boy, loves climbing, doing a victory dance on the middle of the table, clapping his hands and his food, lots of it. No longer any breast milk, he dropped that completely.
He’s walking just about full-time now, chasing big brother and sister with growls for extra squealing excitement. Sleeping is still not easy, too much to see and too do. Two 30 minute naps during the day is  all I’ll get. At last the nights are have become a lot better, he sleeps through a lot of nights, or is easily settled back asleep. The side of his cot has been taken out, with my growing belly and his increasing weight a lot easier.

Number #4 is happily kicking along, for a couple of weeks already there has been lots of movement to be felt. With anticipation we count down the two weeks for a sneaky peak at the 20 week ultrasound.
My parents have booked, they should be here for the birth in July!

1 comment:

  1. He marijke
    Wat leuk dat je weet zwanger bent van jullie vierde spruit
    Wij zijn ook zwanger van de vierde spruit
    Wij verwachten onze spruit rond 20 augustus En jij wanneer ben jij uitgeteld
    Wat woon je toch leuk zeg altijd mooie foto's

    Groetjes Maartje Jansen


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