
Breakfast Challenge

Over the last couple of years our eating habits have changed drastically, for the better I say.
Meals are made from scratch, bread is home baked, veggies and fruit come straight out of the garden or from the farmers markets and we’ve seriously cut back on processed foods and sugar.
We all feel better for it, took many little steps to get we’re we are now. I don’t think I would’ve managed in one giant step, the different jobs need to build into routines, before something new should be added. Going too fast is just setting yourself up for failure, it becomes to much and you give up.

Currently we’re looking at our grain intake. We’re big bread eaters or I must say, were, it’s such a Dutch habit. But it wasn’t doing it for me any more, despite the beautiful home baked sourdough bread, it was just too much grains and carbs in our diet and not enough of the rest to balance itself out.

For lunch I’ve gotten into the habit of eating dinner leftovers or soups. Making big pots, then canning or freezing in portion sizes makes soup very doable. But not so practical for lunch boxes. The kids do get a big container of veggies and fruit with them for recess every day, the box always comes back empty. But for the lunchbox a simple sandwich is still easiest and a lot less messy, they don’t give themselves much time to sit down and eat anyway. I’ve been told by my eldest that the lunch break is for running and playing with friends.

Dinner time has been sorted for years, good balanced meals with salads on the side.
So what needed to change was breakfast, a good start of the day goes a long way.
A challenge of eating less bread and more protein, fruit and veggies.
We’ve been going for a couple of weeks and I must say it isn’t as hard as I thought, variation is key. While we’re still trying out new things, the kids nominate days for the favourites so they can become part of the routine.

What does work so far:
- Banana&Blueberry Oat cakes, (a huge hit, I’ll post the recipe later)
- Fresh fruit with home made yoghurt and nutty granola (yoghurt link) (granola link), or use dry oats preferably soaked in the yoghurt overnight. Adding some chia and puffed quinoa for extra substance.
- Bacon, eggs, spinach and mushrooms, with a little goats cheese as a bonus.
- Porridge with fresh fruit, I do still find the carb content to high though, maybe we should add some chia, coconut chips, seeds and chopped nuts. Coconut cream instead of milk? (recipe link for fancy porridge)
- Veggie fritters (recipe link)
- Sourdough pancakes with fruit (recipe link)

I’m getting heaps of good ideas at The Witches Kitchen. Linda did a Breakfast Challenge for a whole year, every week a different recipe to inspire you to ditch the heavily processed commercial breakfast cereals and to eat some real food instead. (click here for the link)
Or for those reading Dutch, be sure to try this link as well

Trying out recipes can be so much fun, what do you think of these Blueberry Bolo Levedo’s (top photo)? Pretty as a button served hot for a lazy Sunday morning breakfast. Sourdough egg enriched bread, filled with cottage cheese and blueberries. A nice protein rich, tangy treat (recipe link).
Next time I’ll try a savoury filling, this would also make the perfect base for the Indonesian Bakpao.
What is your favourite breakfast? Can you eat it every day?

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