
Things that make me happy

 This tiny whiff of a mulberry tree has Sophie turning purple. Even the 20cm cuttings I took just before Winter are bearing fruit. I foresee a Mulberry forest...
I woke up this morning with the sound of birds. Hello World!
Little Alex slept from 20:30 to 5:30, leaving me a little sore, but very very happy!
Many many wheelbarrows loads of soil have been carted into the veggie garden, many more to go.
Watermelon, rockmelon, cucumber, capsicum, zucchini, lettuce, tomatoes, beetroot, beans, basil and heaps of flowers have been planted and sown. And carrots, heaps of carrots, celebrating a topsoil of more then 5cm.
Next are the woodchips for the paths and the borders.
My old nursery was torn down with the old deck. In return I've gotten a new nursery under the deck with an automatic sprinkler system. My handy husband must really love me...
Bye bye Winter, hello glorious Spring!

Rushforth Probability of Rain and Likely Amount:

Rushforth rainfall forecast issued today at: 8:38am / Next forecast today around: 6:38pm
I know, it's only a prediction, happy anticipation. A good rain wouldn't go astray after all these dry and windy months. The rainwater tank ran out this morning, bring on the rain!
I'm out of here, going to fill up the nursery!

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