
Winter garden

 I've been a bit neglectful of my garden the last couple of months, I've stopped feeling guilty about it and treasure the time I'm able to set aside for planting or weeding.
So yes, it looks a bit wild, jungle-like almost... But it's alive, growing and still feeding us for many meals a week.
After the floods the bugs all went into a mating madness. Their offspring have been having a good nibble of most plants. The permaculture approach of little bits of everything, everywhere, paid of, mostly. No cauliflower this year, same for kale and even silverbeet didn't make it. The seedlings are already eaten before the even make it into the ground. Just bought some more seedling, stubborn that I am.
More luck though with broccoli, eggplant and capsicums. Pumpkins just keep popping up.
And beetroot, I have a new addiction: roasted beetroot with balsamic vinegar, need to plant more beets...
Lettuce and spinach galore, loose leaf lettuce is easy to grow and you just pick what you need while it keeps on growing.
Wherever you look there is just about every type of pea and tomato growing, with mini roma's and sugar snaps the current favourite. They grow nicely together on a trellis, let them grow unhindered and they protect themselves from cold snaps and king parrots.

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