
I need more milk

I’ve been putting a bomb under my own challenge (only shop at the supermarket once month), although my system works fantastic, I need more milk!
Hardly used for drinking, but start making yoghurt and you need an additional 1,5L a week.
Then there home-made ice cream (buying cream only once a month keeps this a special occasion), for the most fantastic recipe look here.

Home-made custard, I normally halve the recipe. Many custard recipes only use the egg yolk, the use of corn flour is also reason for discussion. But this is a fail safe, very quickly whipped up recipe.

I’ve also started making ricotta, so quick and easy to make, why bother buying it. Seriously:
Heat milk, add a little vinegar, milk starts to curdle, drain, use.
Drain for a little longer and call it paneer, handy for curries.
Or add a little salt and cream and call it cottage cheese.
Swop the milk for cream and the vinegar for lime juice and it will become mascarpone.

Now I’ve found a recipe for Feta on a fantastic cheese making blog: Gavin’s Little Green Cheese.
Also great tutorials for many other cheeses I would love to make. It’s just the 4L of milk you need for this recipe, how much work is a milking cow? Now I realise how easy to make so many cheeses are, I just look differently at the overpriced, over-packaged, crappy tasting ricotta in the supermarket.

I never realised that we ate that much cheese. I could have know, we’re Dutch after all, Sander is even born in Gouda, yep that’s the place the world famous cheese comes from...

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